What's a Beautiful Life Anyway? The Podcast with Jill Bennett!

Episode 34 with Special Guest Fiona Challis

Jill Bennett/Fiona Challis Episode 34

To live our best and most beautiful life we need to make sure that any relationships we have are supportive and loving. My guest in this episode is Fiona Challis an award-winning motivational speaker, a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapy® therapist, a positive-psychology coach, and a trauma-informed and somatic-healing coach.  


00:00   Theme intro
00:30   Intro to my guest Fiona Challis
01:15   What drives Fiona?
03:50   Fiona's career before writing her book “Eat, Pray, Self-Love”?
05:45   Self relationships are key but so many women always put others first?
10:45   What is true self-love?
14:00   Who can the book and Fiona’s program help?
15:40   So many repeat the same destructive patterns. Why is that?
17:55   Why after trying different things can we still feel stuck?
19:30   What is RTT?
23:15   Why are so many men unable to commit to a loving relationship? 
31:30    Is it possible to change, so you can have a healthy and happy relationship?
33:15   Shawn Achor’s book:  “The Happiness Advantage” His TEDx Talk 
37:00   Fiona’s book is available here: “Eat, Pray, Self-Love   

 Check out Fiona’s links here:  

Fiona's book - https://rapidrelationshiptherapy.com/eatprayselflove/ 

Website: https://rapidrelationshiptherapy.com/ 

 Contact: fiona@fionachallis.com 

 Join Fiona’s free community and receive a daily dose of love: https://rapidrelationshiptherapy.com/ 

 Sign up for a free masterclass: https://rapidrelationshiptherapy.com/free-masterclass/ 

 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fionachallis/ 

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fiona.challis.1 

 Instagram - @rapidrelationshiptherapy  

 Rather watch a YouTube video: https://youtu.be/509ojoFmwlc 

 Subscribe to the podcast here:
  And the YouTube channel here:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAJAD90MvmxD6mpWWih6kJA?sub_confirmation=1
Your life is for living, so go out and live it!  Have your best and most beautiful life! To find out more about your host, you can find all Jill’s links  here